Prosperous, attractive towns have been for centuries - and still are - the backbone to our way of life in Britain. That’s why we need to promote them in every way we can, in order:
• to foster pride in our built and environmental heritage
• to encourage trade which provides jobs and prosperity
• to raise awareness of community activities and keep our towns vibrant.

Town and District Guides play a key role in this process. They can provide a snapshot of what makes a town tick at a given time. They can include elements of history, community information, maps and other interesting local facts: for example, details of a town’s famous sons and daughters, its significant architecture, the range of sporting facilities - take your pick.

As a local authority or other body interested in the welfare of your town, you need to entrust the production of the local guide to a company you can rely on. Heritage Guides is a specialist company which can handle all this work on your behalf. Let us become your very own ‘publishing department’, and work alongside you to produce a publication that will be valued, both by residents as well as visitors to your town.

Because of the excellent quality of our guides and their wide distribution, we attract advertising support from the local business community making your guide completely self-funding.